
I have a hate-on for: George Bush, the War in Iraq, Blackwater, tofu,  neo-conservative, Christian fundamentalist-types,  green vegetables, and fake English accents. oh, also, stairs and any type of aerobics. I have a crush on all extremely fat men and I have a thing for bdsm. I aspire to dominate, gorge and grow to limitless proportions my very own harem of submissive, morbidly obese men from all around the world.

I like to email encourage anyone trying to gain weight. i sometimes get off on writing my own fat fantasies, and have written fat fantasies for other fat junkies to read and enjoy. I’m into reading trashy fiction books and also recipe and food books. I like a mediocre B movie, a wickedly frightening horror flick, and the soppiest chick flicks out there. But, often the best fun I’ve had while role playing a fat fantasy with another fat junkie.

I enjoy 80s music, country and hip hop and dance music. I’m into hollywood, and the celeb lifestyle – a fat girl likes to live vicariously through the rich and shallow. I like an easy crossword puzzle, a moderately difficult sudoko puzzle, and those really bad fat fantasy stories at the dimensions website. I really like elevators and escalators when they’re working.

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